Come See Us!
Penia Baptist Church is a group of regular people who want to honor our Lord Jesus Christ and encourage each other to grow in our walk with Him.
What are your services like?
Whether it is through music, prayer, or preaching, God's word is at the center of all of our gatherings. Each service (Sunday: 8:30am, 11:00am & 6:00pm) includes a time of prayer, preaching, and giving. The sermons are built on God’s Word, not the pastor's ideas, with the aim of transforming our lives to be more like Jesus Christ. We also meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm for a time of prayer and song.
Where should I park?
Parking is directly in front of our Church facilities with designated spots, just to the right of the front doors, just for you, our special guests.
Where should I go when I enter the building?
We have greeters located at the doors who would be happy to help you find where you need to go.
What should I wear?
We are more concerned about you and your presence with us than we are with what you wear. As a church, we gather to worship the Lord and want to dress in a way that honors God. Most of our members wear something in the range of business casual to casual, but some wear shorts! We want you to be you.
Do you provide childcare?
We are back to a full schedule with nursery during the Small Group Bible Study hour 10:00 am and 11:00 am and 6:00 pm Sunday Worship Service. We also have Children's Church during the 11:00 am Worship Service for Children up to the Third Grade. During our Wednesday Prayer Service nursery is also available at 7:00 pm on Wednesday Evenings. And of course, we love for Children to sit with their parents during all our services. We believe that the sound of Children in a Church is the sound of life!
Beginning In January 2024!
Penia Baptist Church is an amazing Church and a loving church family! Over the last years it has been beautiful to see God growing His church spiritually and numerically. We’ve welcomed many people into Our Church’s fellowship and seen an amazing number of Baptisms over this time. Our church family is healthy and united. The early church “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved” (Acts 2:42, 47). We see the Lord moving the same way at Penia Baptist Church. A growing church does have its challenges. A guest may sit in your seat or park in your place. There are two realities that are essential to assimilate new members and to closing the church’s back door. People need to establish relationships and be given an area of responsibility (a place to serve). I encourage you to use your influence to get to know someone’s name and to take an intentional step to enlarge your relational circle. Beginning in January we will be offering a new Worship option each Sunday Morning at 8:30 am. As the church moves forward, let’s continue to make disciples that love upward, outward, and inward!